Hawks Road
Kingston Upon Thames
Client: London Square
Hawks Road is situated to the East of Kingston town centre adjoining the Cambridge Road Estate (CRE). This scheme will provide 125 apartments of which 50% will be affordable. This site sits at the Northwest corner of the future CRE masterplan and is considered the ‘missing piece’ of the masterplan site, forming part of one of the main entrances to the wider estate. The scheme is an opportunity to regenerate a vacant brownfield site and will help complete the Cambridge Road Estate masterplan while bridging the masterplan and wider context.
The proposal uses a fabric first approach, specifying high performance U-values for the thermal envelope and providing arrays of solar photovoltaic panels on areas of south-facing roof alongside air source heat pumps. This means that the building envelope will be energy efficient, resulting in low energy consumption and less CO2 emissions. In addition, sustainable technologies will also be included in the proposal. This car-free development in a sustainable location along with improvements to the public realm, generous landscaping and new community/commercial use at ground level will all contribute to the quality re-development of this part of Kingston.